About Us
Panchasayar Sishu Niketan, a Nursery-cum primary School was started in a rented house at Panchasayar to meet the need for education of the children of Panchasayar township and neighbouring areas. The need for opening more classes in course of time,necessitated the construction of the present building with a spacious ground, a garden and a vast water body fringed with coconut palms-providing for the learners an ideal ambience of the country-side.
The school building of Panchasayar Siksha Niketan was inaugurated in 1993 with the annexation of classes V and VI to Secondary Section. This Secondary Education as a 4class(V-VIII) Junior High School with effect from 01 -05 -1996 and subsequently upgraded as a High School(upto classX)with effect from 01 -05 -1997 with permission given to the first batch of students to sit for Madhyamik Pariksha(Secondary Examination) in 1999. To cope with the increasing demand for admission and to oppen the Higher Secondary Branch necessity for more spacewas felt and a new building was constructed at plot No. 17 of Block-C, Panchasayar, where the Nursery and Primary Section were shifted in january, 2006. Both the schools are co-educational and administered by the Panchasayar Education Society, a non-profit philanthropic organisation, registered under the West Bengal Societies Act, 1961. The aim of the school is to develop knowiedge and skill and inculcate moral values in students through academic excellence and dicipline and help them grow up as true citizens who could embrace all activities of life with courage love and respect.
There is a happy news for the well-wishers of the school that our school has been upgraded to Higher Secondary standard in Humanities Stream from the academic year 2006 and in Science Stream from 2007.